Syrian researcher upgrades promising strain of high-yield soft wheat

Damascus, (SANA) – Agriculture researcher Nibal Khazaal received the award of Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) for agricultural research in the dry areas for his research “Promising strain of high-yield soft wheat /ACSAD 1133/ resistant to yellow rust.”

Researcher Khazaal expressed pride over receiving the reward (USD 12.000), considering that it is the fruit of the concerted efforts of the staff working at Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, which fulfilled its duty in upgrading the agricultural sector and provided all facilitations for researchers despite the current situation in the country.

He stressed that the research took him five years of constant work until he, in cooperation with the Commission, came up with the new strain ACSAD 1133, which is “a strain of good productivity if compared to other breeds”, adding that it will be available in the markets for peasants soon.

Agriculture Minister, Ahmad al-Qaderi said during the event held at the Ministry that the award indicates the importance of the scientific research and its role in the agricultural advance that has been witnessed for three decades in the country.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun


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