President al-Assad receiving al-Nouri and al-Hajjar: Success of elections highlights strength of Syrians

Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday received former presidential candidate Dr. Hassan al-Nouri.

Al-Nouri stressed that the presidential elections held last week were transparent and honest, as they constitute a prominent step on the road of bolstering the principles of democracy, being the first pluralistic elections witnessed in the country since decades.

For his part, President al-Assad pointed out that the success of the elections process and the high turnout of voters highlighted the strength of the Syrian people and their adherence to their free decision despite the difficult and extraordinary circumstances that are taking place in Syria and the attempts of some outside sides to impose their will on the Syrians.

President al-Assad also received former presidential candidate Maher al-Hajjar.


During the meeting, Hajjar said that the confidence shown by the Syrian people to President al-Assad via the elections reveals the people’s determination to continue combating terrorism until it is eliminated completely, and that it underlined the Syrians’ commitment to restoring security and stability to Syria and move with sure steps towards a better future.

For his part, President al-Assad said that the first experience of pluralistic presidential elections in Syria was a refined experience showing the awareness and culture of Syrians in democracy, adding that the biggest victor in these elections was the Syrian people who confronted all challenges and managed to have their say on Syria’s future with strong will and adamant determination.

President al-Assad also thanked both Dr. al-Nouri and al-Hajjar for congratulating him on winning the presidential elections.

R. Milhem / H. Sabbagh

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