Damascus, SANA- Varying amounts of rains poured in several provinces during the past 24 hours, with the maximum rainfall being in al-Mzeira’a area in the coastal province of Lattakia (97 mm), Shat’ha area in central Hama province (80 mm) and al-Qadmous area in coastal Tartous province( 68 mm).
Rain showers fell on the outskirts of Damascus with (5 mm) in al-Zabadani and Hermon areas, (6mm) in Sarghaya and (4 mm) in Madaya.
Weather forecaster at Meteorology Department Maher Merhej told SANA that rainfall was heavy in the coastal and northern areas, as snow fell on the heights, pointing out that the nebulous weather was a result of big amounts of dust carried by as 80 km/h as strong wind from north Africa.
Meteorology Department expected in its Wednesday bulletin that temperature will be 2° to 4° below average for this time of the year and the weather will be cloudy or rainy in most areas as rainfall is expected to pour heavily accompanied with thunder, and snow will fall on heights above 900 meters. The height of waves will be medium to high.
Rasha Milhem/Haifa Said