Mass grave uncovered in Deir Ezzor after ISIS executed tens of locals

Deir Ezzor, SANA, A mass grave was uncovered in Keshkia town, Deir Ezzor province contains tens of bodies being executed by terrorists of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Locals of  Keshkia town of the eastern countryside of  Deir Ezzor province found the mass grave at Keshkia desert containing remains of tens of people of Keshkia being executed by ISIS terrorists.

Local sources told SANA reporter Wednesday the mass grave belongs to citizens of  Sheitat tribe of the town and there were shooting effects on the bodies where as other bodies were beheaded.

The grave was uncovered by locals who returned to their village after four months being forced to leave by ISIS.

ISIS terrorist perpetrated on 23 of August a massacre against the locals of Greneej village some 90 km to the east of Keshkia town.

R. Milhem/ Barry

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