Allocating relief assistance to martyrs’ families and rural development in  Tartous

Tartous, SANA  Minister of Social Affairs Kinda al-Shammat called upon the  concerned civil associations to distribute humanitarian assistance  according to the plan set by Tartous subcommittee of the Higher Committee  for Relief.

During a meeting with the subcommittee members, the Minister demanded  allocating 50 percent of the associations’ development projects to the  rural areas.

She noted that the Ministry would also obligate the local associations  working in the relief domain to allocate a permanent 10 percent share of  aid to the families of the martyrs and injured personnel of the Syrian Arab  Army.

For his part, Tartous Governor Safwan Abu Sa’di announced that the relief  subcommittee has established a department of five sections; one of which  charged with organizations and civil associations affairs.

This, he noted, would help in following up on these bodies’ work and  preventing any aid distribution without the subcommittee’s approval.

H. Zain/H. Said

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