OSPAAAL: Syria is fighting terrorism, its victory means victory of humanity

Havana, SANA – Secretary General of Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America (OSPAAAL) Lourdes Cervantes said that Syria did not spare any support for supporting the countries which seek to gain independence.

Meeting Head of the Syrian diplomatic mission in Havana Dr. Loae al-Uoji on Wednesday, Cervantes said the organization is following up on the ongoing events in Syria, voicing strong condemnation of terrorism to which Syria is exposed and the immoral media war against it over the past four years.

“Syria is the victim of the takfiri terrorism and misleading media,” Cervantes said, rejecting the unfair economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people for increasing their suffering and undermining their resilience.

The OSPAAAL Secretary General expressed Cuba’s support to Syria, hailing Syria’s resilience thanks to the Syrian people’s awareness and their rallying around their wise leadership and brave army.

“Syria is struggling for the world as a whole and its victory is a victory for humanity,” Cervantes said, adding that “Cuba will remain a key supporter of Syria.”

For his part, Dr. al-Uoji stressed that Syria is fighting terrorism to defend peoples of the world and at the same time to defend its people, security and sovereignty.

He pointed that those who are talking about combating terrorism are the same who created the terrorist organizations.

H. Zain / Ghossoun

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