Workers at Lattakia Textile Company continue production to provide local market with its needs

Lattakia, SANA- Workers at Lattakia Textile Company make double efforts to ensure the continuation of work and the rotation of the production wheel to supply the local market with its needs and support the national economy despite the challenges imposed by the current conditions as a result of tackling the coronavirus and the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrians, the last of which was the so-called “Caesar Act”.

SANA’s camera visited Lattakia Textile Company and met workers Ali Abu Tabaq and Maysa Abdurrahman, who confirmed that the Syrians are able to overcome the difficult stage which their country is going through and nothing will dissuade them from accomplishing their tasks, and that the so-called “Caesar Act” is a new chapter of the war which aims to weaken Syria after the catastrophic failure of the colonial countries and the defeats inflicted on their tools of terrorists at the hands of the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army.

For their part, workers Raghda Ghafar and Safa Hamidoush said “the homeland deserves to exert relentless efforts and to devote our energy to preserve its strength and steadfastness in light of the war and the unfair economic blockade to ensure a safe future for us and our children.”

Engineer Nabil Raya, the company’s technical director, asserted that the so-called “Caesar Act” will not intimidate the Syrians who have made great sacrifices for more than ten years and endured the scourge of war as they refused to surrender but rather increased their insistence to complete the march that our brave soldiers had written with their blood.”

Director of the Production Line, Eng. Malik Saqqour, for his part, indicated that the continuity of the production is a message to the enemies of Syria and its people that “Our work is the basis of our steadfastness”.

In turn, Eng. Rafeeq al-Hawam, Director of the company’s production halls, explained that the work at the company’s departments continues at the same pace and there is a greater commitment on the part of the workers, based on their sense of responsibility and their awareness of the sensitivity of the current situation and the requirements to withstand the enormous challenges imposed by the unfair economic blockade.

Engineer Harith Makhlouf, General Manager of the company indicated that there are unremitting efforts to increase the quantity and quality of production to meet the market need due to the great demand on the company’s products from raw and mixed cotton fabrics that are characterized by the high quality and competitive prices.

Makhlouf shed light on the efficiency and the sense of responsibility shown by the workers to accomplish the required production and the national experiences that deal with all emergency breakdowns and repair and control them.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


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