Syrians in occupied Golan write epic of adherence to identity

Damascus, SANA –Despite all the Israeli occupation’s attempts to obliterate the geographic, and demographic features of the Syrian Arab Golan since occupying it, the Syrians of Golan have categorically rejected the occupation and confronted attempts of changing Golan’s Syrian identity and legal status.

The Syrian people of Golan have firmly confronted the Israeli attempts of changing the identity of Golan, as they set a historic strike in rejection of imposing the Israeli laws on them in 14th January, 1981 and objected all the Israeli provocative exercises.

The Syrian government constantly affirms in the international forums that Israel’s violation of the international law in Golan is a doubled exercise, as Golan has not only been occupied, but arbitrary measures have been also applied on it for changing its identity.

Israeli occupation authorities are deluded by the thought that the current events in Syria constitute an appropriate opportunity for imposing their schemes that they could not achieve before according to the liberated captive Beshr al-Maqt who told SANA that the Israeli authorities are helping the armed terrorist groups, supplying them with weapons, funds and healthcare services and sometimes through direct intervention for building their security fence as they fancy.”

“The genuine belonging to the motherland runs through the veins of the Syrian people of Golan,” Al-Maqt said, referring to the sacrifices provided in confronting the occupation and its brutal exercises.

Pharmacist Ghandi al-Kahlouni from Golan condemned the international silence on the Israeli arbitrary exercises against residents of the occupied Syrian Golan and wondered why it was not forced to apply the international Resolution, particularly UNSC Resolution No. 497, which considers Israel’s decision of imposing its laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as null, illegal and with no international influence.

“We hold an annual festival in Ein al-Tina for marking the anniversary of the open six-month strike in rejection of Golan annexation resolution in 1981,” he added.

Recently, the UN renewed its call on Israel to comply with the international legitimacy including resolutions related to the occupied Syrian Golan, particularly resolution No. 497.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun

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