14 thousand dunums of agricultural lands destroyed in fires set by Erdogan’s mercenaries in Ras al-Ayn countryside

Hasaka, SANA- About 14 thousand dunums of lands cultivated with wheat and barley crops have been destroyed over the past two days in the occupied western countryside of Ras al-Ayn after mercenaries of the Turkish regime have set fires to them deliberately.

Local sources said that the fires have extended from the surroundings of Mabruka town to reach the villages of al-Rawiya, al-Dahma, al-Khalidyia, Tal Khanzir, Abu Joloud and Tal al-Janab.

 They indicated that the fires have devoured the whole crops as the fields in which the fires erupted went out of the production circle.

The sources added that the fires have been set by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation of terrorist organizations with the aim of exerting pressure on the locals and fighting them economically to force them to leave their areas.

Reports made by Hasaka Agriculture Department indicated that the fires which have erupted in the agricultural crops for the season 2020 have destroyed about 16 thousand hectares cultivated with wheat and barley crops.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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