Finance minister: Government won’t prevent any Syrian industrialist from returning Home

Damascus, SANA -Finance minister Ismael Ismael affirmed Wednesday that the government won’t prevent any industrialists abroad from to returning Home to settle their cases if they didn’t commit any act that shed the blood of the Syrians.

The minister discussed with the new boards of directors of Damascus Chamber of Industry, headed by Samer al-Dibs, the difficulties that hinder the work of industrialists and ways to solve them during the current conditions.

He added that the Chamber of Industry has an important role in activating the local production and expanding the production and exportation capabilities.

The minister pointed out to the importance of differentiating between the industrialists who couldn’t pay their loans before the crisis and during it in order to study each situation separately.

For his part, al-Dibs presented ideas and subjects related to the industrial field, asserting the importance of activating the joint work and cooperation with the government to support the local products and help producers to re-run their factories.

Manar al-Frieh/Mazen

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