Khamis: Aggression forces have tightened economic siege on Syria, priority given to improving living conditions

Damascus, SANA- Prime Minister Imad Khamis said that after major victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in its war against terrorism, the aggression forces have worked on tightening the economic siege on Syria with the aim to fight the citizens in their livelihood and making them turn against the state, stressing that the state institutions  have been working on alleviating the suffering of citizens due to the increase in the prices.

Premier Khamis, interviewed by the Syrian state T.V.  on Wednesday, said that throughout the years of the crisis, the terrorist organizations, backed by the states which have been conspiring against Syria, have worked on targeting all the economic fundamentals through targeting the infrastructure, energy sources, factories, facilities and all the production components in a way that has been reflected directly on the life of the Syrian citizens and has imposed additional burdens on the state, in addition to the burdens of combating terrorism.

Khamis noted that ahead of the terrorist war, Syria used to have 9 thousand Mega of electricity which had been enough to meet its needs, but this amount has decreased to 1200 Mega.

He went on saying that Syria also used to produce 385 thousand oil barrels daily and this amounts has dropped to become zero, and it used to produce 26 million cubic meters of gas daily and this amount has reduced to become 5 million cubic meter, and when the terrorist war against Syria started, the hostile forces have used the military, political and economic war to undermine the Syrian state, yet the standing of the Syrian people by the side of their army and their understanding of the conspiracy hatched against their homeland have foiled the schemes of the enemies.

Khamis added that the state has secured stability for more than four million displaced people in light of the unilateral coercive economic measured and this represents a message for the world that the Syrian state is keen on providing the needs of its citizens no matter how fierce the war becomes.

He indicated that after the Syrian Arab Army liberated wide areas from terrorism, the aggression forces have escalated their war against Syria through igniting different fronts, on top the Turkish occupation of a number of areas in northern Syria, and tightening the economic blockade on Syria in parallel with stealing the Syrian oil by the U.S. which have caused many economic repercussions.

He referred to the measures and steps which have been taken by the state institutions to alleviate the suffering of the citizens due to the increase of the prices and to provide their basic needs with suitable prices.

 Khamis said that over the past years, thousands of factories have been put into service and tens of companies have been reopened, and there has been a great economic activity, but the enemies of Syria didn’t like that, therefore, they started a new scenario of the war tools which is the economic war through tightening the economic siege.

Khamis added that the major part of the governmental work has depended on implementing strategies of building the national economy as over the past period, the government has focused on different issues that come in the framework of developing the national resources and investing the local potentials optimally, in addition to rationing the expenditure and combating waste.

He pointed out the policies adopted by the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) are based on the developments imposed by the war by the war and they aim in the first place to support the production process in all of its developmental dimensions.

Khamis underlined that combating corruption has started and it is the most important file on the table of the government.

He stressed that despite of the terrorist war waged against it, the Syrian state have remained resilient, and it has achieved economic leaps in the right direction through the transparent and clear institutional system, adding that it has daily and strategic plans, and the most important thing in them is that everyone must shoulder his/her responsibilities.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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