Gold price marks slight drop compared to past days

Damascus, SANA – The price of one gram of 21 karat gold in local markets was set by the Goldsmiths Association on Thursday at SYP 6,250, marking a drop compared to SYP 6,400 over the past few days.

The price of one gram of 18 karat gold also went down as set by the Association of Goldsmiths and Jewelry Making in Damascus at SYP 5,357, while it was SYP 5, 486 last Monday.

The price set for the Syrian Lira gold coin was SYP 51,500.

The Rashadi Lira gold coin was priced at SYP 45,000, while the price of the 21 Karat English Pound gold coin was set at SYP 51,5 00, and the 22 karat gold coin at SYP 53,500.

Haifa Said

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