Qarfoul: High USD exchange rate a result of systematic campaign to weaken Syrian Pound

 Damascus, SANA – Governor of the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) Hazem Qarfoul affirmed that the reason behind the rise in the exchange rate of the USD comes within a systematic campaign to weaken the Syrian Pound (SP) and the economy and to destabilize the confidence in the CBS and its measures.

In a telephone call with Syrian al-Ikhbaria TV on Wednesday, Qarfoul said that the campaign is accompanied with the US sanction law “Caesar” which was imposed on Syria.

He expressed regret that some parties are intentionally or unintentionally serving the economic war waged against Syria.

“The main compass for the Central Bank of Syria is the interests of citizens, the Bank’s treasury, the national economy and the keenness on the national industry.

He noted that the CBS is not concerned with the lure game played by some electronic websites and social networking websites and some media outlets to push the CBS to raise the exchange rate and to push it to high levels.

He added that priority is given in the first place for the livelihood of citizens, the national economy, in addition to reducing the costs.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


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