Haddad: “Hybrid threats” threaten security and stability of world states

Ufa, SANA – Syrian Ambassador to Russia, Riyad Haddad, said that the hybrid threats have become the most dangerous threat against security and stability of world states, particularly after they have been used by states that are supposed to be major to punish the targeted states that refuse to subjugate to their hegemony.

Haddad clarified in Syria’s word before the 10th international conference for security affairs held in Ufa city in the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan that “the hybrid threats” is a new term in the world of wars as it mixes the concepts of the traditional war with the irregular war and the electronic war.

“These threats also include assaults with nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and improvised explosive devices locally made along with the information war,” he clarified.

Haddad stressed that these threats aim at destroying armies of some states and dividing their societies, changing their geographical maps or reaching geostrategic settlements at the level of the region or the world.

“Talking about this topic is importance with regards to timing as we have witnessed Syria’s restoration of most of its territories with backing of its friends and allies after the territories had been under control of armed terrorist groups, which are one of the hybrid threats’ tools,” Haddad said adding, “the states operating the terrorist groups were meant to find new tools and methods within the “hybrid threats” for keeping tension and instability in the region in a way that serves their interests at the expense of nations’ blood.”

The Ambassador pointed out that these threats have left bad impact on the sustainable development in Syria after the country had achieved a lot during decades, clarifying that the crisis affected infrastructure, education, power agriculture and transport and that hindered the developmental situation in the country.

R. Milhem

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