Reconciliation Minister: National dialogue and reconciliation main base to end crisis in Syria

Damascus, SANA – Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haidar stressed that national dialogue and reconciliation constitute the main base for ending the crisis in Syria in parallel with fighting terrorism.

Meeting a delegation from Daraya city in Damascus Countryside, chaired by head of Daraya Municipality Saif Eddin Jbeineh, Haidar said that the main obstacle hindering progress in implementing the national reconciliation process in some Syrian areas lies in the absence of real intentions on the part of the armed terrorist organizations, particularly groups consisting of foreigners.

Minister Haidar said that the Syrian government and Ministry of National Reconciliation have exerted unremitting efforts to launch the national reconciliation project in Daraya city, adding that those who are waiting for a change in power balance to achieve certain goals are mistaken.

For his part, Jbeineh highlighted the suffering of displaced citizens due to the criminal acts committed by the existing armed organizations and their firm rejection of reconciliation.

Rasha Raslan / Hazem Sabbagh

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