Grospic: Illegitimate Int’l coalition in Syria is an occupation  

Prague, SANA-Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic affirmed that the illegitimate International Coalition led by the US under the pretext of fighting Daesh (ISIS) in Syria is in reality an occupation force.

In a statement to SANA’s reporter in Prague, Grospic said that the standing issue lies in ending the hostile and terrorist operations by the so-called “International Coalition” which is led by the US and ending the attempts of imposing hegemony on the region by Turkey.

The Czech Parliamentarian asserted that the Syrian people only can decide the future of their country, indicating that any interference in Syria’s internal affairs is completely unacceptable.

“We at the Group of Friendship with Syria are open to enhancing friendly relations and cooperation with Syria,” Grospic said.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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