A letter from President al-Assad to President Lukashenko on Bilateral relations, reconstruction process

Minsk, SANA-Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko met on Thursday State Minister for Presidential Affairs Mansour Azzam who conveyed to him a letter from President Bashar al-Assad on bilateral relations between Syria and Belarus.

During the meeting, President Lukashenko expressed readiness of Belarus to help the Syrian people reconstruct their country and carry out joint economic and infrastructure projects.

“The visit is very important in order to know the latest developments in Syria and get acquainted with the news of the Syrian people whom we appreciate,” President Lukashenki said.

Talks during the meeting also dealt with means of boosting cooperation between the two countries and prospects of joint coordination in the projects of economy and infrastructure in Syria, particularly in light of Belarus expertise in the field of building important facilities, like schools, hospitals and roads.

Azzam, for his part, conveyed President al-Assad’s appreciation to Belarus President for his country’s support to Syria in the war against terrorism, affirming the good relations that connect the two countries and their Presidents.

He briefed President Lukashenko on the latest situation in Syria and the losses and damages the country has suffered from the terrorist acts, calling on Belarus to help reconstruct what has been destroyed by terrorism.

Discussions also covered the joint humanitarian projects, like receiving some Syrian injured children to have treatment in Belarus and educating a number of Syrian students inside Belarus educational institutions.




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