Patriarch Yazigi inaugurates Shrine of St. John the Baptist in Wadi al-Nadar, Homs

Homs, SANA – Greek Orthodox Patriarch for Antioch and All the East John X Yazigi inaugurated Thursday the Shrine of St. John the Baptist in a church that carries the name of the Saint in Hebnamra town in Wadi al-Nadara area in Homs province.

A prayer was held at the church amid popular and religious participation and was led by Patriarch Yazigi, who has been on a visit to Wadi al-Nadara since August 9.

Patriarch Yazigi-Shrine of St. John the Baptist2

In a speech following the prayer, the Patriarch urged everybody to show “tolerance and amity” and to cling firmly to the homeland under the difficult circumstances Syria is now going through, expressing hope that security and peace will prevail in the country again.

“The Syrians are one loving and harmonious family, and so they will remain,” said Patriarch Yazigi.

For his part, Father Elie al-Lati, priest of the parish of Hebnamra town, which includes seven churches, noted that the Shrine of St. John the Baptist comprises a separate building over a total area of 630 m2.

The building, he said, includes sections to provide education to the residents of the town, sleeping rooms and a kindergarten.

Haifa Said

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