517 food packages distributed in Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

Damascus, SANA – Sponsored by the Syrian Government, The General commission of Arab Palestinian Refugee in cooperation with United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Liberation Organization distributed Thursday and Friday 517 food packages to the citizens of Yarmouk Camp who are still besieged by the armed terrorist groups.

Director-General of the Commission Ali Mustafa told SANA that fruit, vegetables, bread and 352 health packages were distributed in Rama Street inside the camp.

He added that distributing aid was resumed after an 8-days hiatus due to sniping acts perpetrated by terrorists which aim at increasing the Palestinian citizens’ suffering to use it politically.

Mustafa pointed out that the number of food packages that were distributed since last January till now reached 42988 and 5833 health packages, hailing the support offered by the Syrian government to reduce the suffering of the Palestinian people inside the camp who are under siege of the armed terrorist groups.

Bashar Mousa/ Manal Ismael


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