Al-Huriyeh establishment, pioneer step into organic farming

Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform launched the first farm for producing organic fruits free from any effect of the chemical fertilizers and agricultural medicines.

Director of al-Hurriyeh Establishment in Tartous Engineer Hussein Hammoud told al-Thawra newspaper that the ministry has sought to have the establishment be a pioneer one in the field of applying the organic farming which has positive impact on production and productivity and at the same time contribute to the environment’s protection.

Hammoud added that the project is has an area of 1800 dunums in Tartous and Lattakia, among them 35 dunums dedicated for the protected cultivation and the rest is dedicated for planting Citrus and Kiwi.

He pointed out that about 32percent of the total area is invested now, while the other 68 percent is being sabotaged by the armed terrorist groups.

Hammoud asserted that the establishment achieved a revenue of SYP 80 million this year increasing by 25 % of 2013, despite of the lack of rain, the decrease of water level and the closure of the border with Iraq, the biggest importer of the Syrian citrus.

H. Zain/ Mazen Eyoun

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