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Culture & Arts

June, 2019

  • 28 June

    Lattakia city turns public buses into theaters and musical platforms

    Lattakia, SANA_ Internal transport buses in the coastal city of Lattakia,  the main traffic artery in the city, have been transformed into a platform for theater, musical and cinematic performances, …

  • 27 June

    Armenian state T.V documents Daesh crimes in Palmyra

    Palmyra, SANA- A team from the Armenian state television is working on filming a documentary on the crimes of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in Palmyra archeological city and in a number …

  • 26 June

    International Flowers’ Fair 2019 kicks off in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA-International Flowers’ Fair 2019 kicked off its activities on Wednesday at Tishreen park in Damascus. The fair, organized by tourism Ministry and Damascus governorate will last until July 10th. …

  • 21 June

    “Amina” film gets Best Director Award at Meknes Int’l Arab Film Festival, Morocco

    Damascus, SANA_ The long feature film “Amina ”, directed by Ayman Zeidan, won the Best Director Award at Meknes International Arab Film Festival which concluded activities in Morocco Thursday. The …

  • 17 June

    Cartoonist Khalil wins Kosovo special Prize

    Damascus, SANA_ Cartoonist  Raed Khalil won the special prize at the third International Cartoon Festival organized in Kosovo entitled “Kosovo in the eyes of cartoonists.” The artist Khalil sought to …

  • 17 June

    A festival for mitigating psychological impacts of terrorist attacks on children held in Deir Ezzor  

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- With the aim of mitigating the psychological impacts of the terrorist crimes and attacks on the Syrian children, Social Affairs and Labor Directorate and Mihad Media and …

  • 16 June

    Syrian children convey a message of peace through Colors for Peace Exhibition, Albania

    Tirana, SANA- Syrian children have conveyed a message of peace , amity and values to all countries of the world through their participation in an a painting exhibition organized Saturday …

  • 15 June

    Aleppo hosts al-Asala first Festival for reviving al-Tarab al-Halabi

    Aleppo, SANA _ The Aleppo citadel has hosted al-Asala first Festival for reviving the ancient  al-Tarab al-Halabi (Aleppine tarab)and Aleppo’s folk songs. A group of Aleppo’s singers, Syrian artists and …

  • 12 June

    Syrian-Czech archeological expedition to start excavations at Talet al-Shamiya in Lattakia in autumn

    Prague, SANA- The Czech National Museum announced that the Syrian-Czech joint archeological expedition will start excavations at Talet al-Shamiya site in Lattakia in autumn this year. On sidelines of an …

  • 12 June

    Australian tourist documents damages inflicted on Palmyra monuments at hands of terrorists

    Homs, SANA- Upon arriving in Palmyra archeological city, Australian tourist and businessman Richard Horsey expressed overwhelming happiness for getting acquainted with its culture and humanitarian heritage. Horsey said that he …