Lattakia, SANA_ The theatrical show “The Message of Peace”, hosted by the Royal Palace Square in the archaeological city of Ugarit, is inspired by the Ugariti message of peace that …
October, 2019
7 October
Syrian youth returns the shadow theater to life with modern spirit
Damascus, SANA-A number of young men and women assumed the responsibility of reviving and rescuing a Syrian original heritage, inspired by “the imagination of shadow” and engaged with the social …
7 October
Ancient mosaic returned to Naitonal Museum thanks to expat’s efforts
Damascus, SANA – Expatriate Mohammad Waseem al-Ramli returned an ancient Syrian mosaic from Montreal Museum of Fine Arts to the National Museum in Damascus. The mosaic, which was unveiled during …
7 October
Mariamite Cathedral…the oldest archaeological Church in Damascus
Damascus, SANA_ The Greek Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral is the oldest Archaeological Church in Damascus, and holds the seat of Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and the entire East. The church …
4 October
2nd part of photographic documentary exhibition “Syria-Donbas” inaugurated
Moscow, SANA_ The second part of photographic documentary exhibition entitled “Syria-Donbas” was opened in Moscow on Thursday. The “Syria Donbas” exhibition was launched by Moscow Government Department of National Policy …
1 October
Al-Nqib sculpture festival, distinctive imprint of plastic movement
Tartous, SANA_ Dozens of sculptures lined up near each other in the third sculpture festival of al-Naqib town in Tartous countryside to announce the conclusion of this event amid the …
September, 2019
30 September
More than 100 caricatures embody the terrorist war on Syria
Damascus, SANA_ Through more than 100 caricatures, the artist Nidal Deeb was able to reflect the suffering of the Syrians throughout the years of the terrorist war on the country. …
22 September
Palmyra attracts more foreign tourist delegations after liberating it from terrorism
Palmyra, SANA- Palmyra, bride of the desert, today is attracting more foreign tourists who come to see the archeological city which enjoys a prestigious position in the humanitarian and cultural …
19 September
Slovakian News Agency sheds light on Syria’s civilization and history
Bratislava, SANA- The Slovakian News Agency shed light on Syria’s civilization and deep-rooted history with what it possesses of significant archeological sites and edifices that constitute a hub for civilizations. …
18 September
Photographic documentary exhibition “Syria-Donbas” inaugurated in Moscow
Moscow, SANA-Moscow Government Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations inaugurated on Wednesday a photographic documentary exhibition titled “Syria-Donbas” within the international project “Terrorism.. a threat to human civilization” in …