Damascus, SANA_ Medical studies and researches emphasize the importance of strengthening the psychological aspect of confronting the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and enhancing human immunity by practicing various activities to get away …
April, 2020
2 April
Within a new cultural initiative, 2nd Songbook Encyclopedia opened electronically to readers
Damascus, SANA-Similar to the various cultural initiatives which have been launched in Syria in response the current exceptional circumstances which the countries of the world are passing through after the …
March, 2020
29 March
Syria harvests EURODRAM award of the European network for drama 2020
Damascus, SANA_ The text “The Fear” taken from the play “colors Correct” by the writer Samer Mohamed Ismail harvested the EURODRAM award of the European Drama Network 2020 to be …
26 March
Cinema at Home initiative encourages citizens to stay at home to face Coronavirus pandemic
Damascus, SANA- The General Establishment for Cinema launched “The Cinema at Home” initiative in framework of its response to the preventive measure from Coronavirus and to encourage the citizens to …
24 March
Khalifa, experiment in stone sculpture simulates heroism of army, greatness of women
Damascus, SANA_ Art of sculptor to Zuhair Khalifa, is the art that immortalized the civilizational values which played a pivotal role in creating civilization and strengthening our motivation to continue …
21 March
Famous Czech artist: Syria is wonderful country with outstanding history
Prague, SANA- The famous director and artist Ondřej Havelka highlighted in his report the Syrian civilization and nobility, describing it as extremely attractive. In his photo report posted on trekking …
11 March
“Syrian Woman…Victory Icon” Festival starts activities
Hama, SANA – A festival under the title “Syrian Woman…Victory Icon” started activities on Tuesday evening at Dar Al-Assad for Culture and Arts in Hama city. The festival was held …
9 March
Festival of “Culture renews its victory” celebrates music and creative figures
Damascus, SANA_ Cultural activities have not stopped even during the years of the terrorist war, so it is natural that the victories of the Syrian army and steadfastness of people …
February, 2020
19 February
Palmyra still an international tourist attraction despite sabotage at hands of terrorists, Czech T.V. says
Prague, SANA- Czech T.V. affirmed that Palmyra which has been a hub linking ancient cultures is still considered as an international tourist attraction despite of all the destruction and sabotage …
9 February
A book by a martyr’s mother documents story of al-Kindi Garrison heroes
Damascus, SANA- A new literature narrating a legend immortalized by history declared the beginning of translating the martyrdom, heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army personnel into written words. …