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Culture & Arts

August, 2021

  • 10 August

    Syrian student with special talent wins first place at International Festival and  Competition of Inclusive Creativity, Petersburg

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian student , Michel Hannoush, from Solhi al-Wadi Institute came first in the International Festival and  Competition of Inclusive Creativity (Soulful Petersburg), in the Russian city of Petersburg. …

  • 5 August

    Koz 1… Syrian songs with different flavors…first fruits of Sanubar band

    Damascus, SANA- “ I love you” and “ come.. I made coffee for you” were the first fruits songs of an album composed by Syrian Sanubar band, but they all …

July, 2021

  • 27 July

    Syrian, Russian experts discuss prospects for cooperation to protect Syrian cultural heritage

    Damascus, SANA- The meeting, which was held on Monday at the National Museum in Damascus under the title (Cultural Heritage in Danger), and brought together a number of Syrian and …

  • 10 July

    After partnership in “Damascus Aleppo” … Dureid Lahham and Basel al-Khateeb together again in “Al-Hakeem” film

    Damascus, SANA- After the great success of “Damascus Aleppo” feature film which won award of the Best Arabic Feature Film, along with granting the professional artist, Duried Lahham, the Grand …

  • 7 July

    Cartoonist Raed Khalil wins special prize in Slovakia  

       Damascus, SANA -A cartoon painting about the necessity of adopting dialogue to renounce violence and force, by the Syrian cartoonist Raed Khalil, won the special prize in the Brain Sneezing …

  • 5 July

    Cartoonist Raed Khalil wins special prize at the International Ferizaj Festival in Kosovo

    Damascus, SANA- Cartoonist Raed Khalil won the special prize at the 7th International Ferizaj Festival in Kosovo, with the participation of 1450 pictures for 260 cartoonist from 53 countries from …

  • 4 July

    Minister al-Sayyed: Syrian book has exceptional enlightenment message

    Cairo, SANA-Minister of Religious Endowments, Mohammad AbdelSattar al-Sayyed, visited the Syrian pavilion at Cairo International Book Fair and met the owners of publishing houses and Syrian exhibitors, referring to the …

June, 2021

  • 29 June

    Syrian Publishers’ Union: more than 70 Syrian publishers participate in Cairo International Book Fair

    Cairo, SANA-The 52nd edition of the Cairo International Book Fair,  to be held on Wednesday in Cairo, under the slogan (reading is life), with the participation of 1218 publishers from …

  • 28 June

    Cartoonist Raed Khalil, elected director of the 5th Artoonist International Festival in Iran

    Damascus, SANA-  Cartoonist Raed Khalil has been chosen as the director of the fifth edition of the Artoonist International Festival in Iran and as judg for its competition which will …

  • 21 June

    “Syrian Third Step on the Silk Road…Reflections of Light,” A Syrian cultural art exhibition in China

    Beijing, SANA-Syrian plastic artist, Walid Ali, inaugurate his third artistic cultural exhibition in the Chinese city of Nanjing entitled “Syrian Third Step on the Silk Road…Reflections of Light”, which aims …