Damascus, SANA- Syrian musicians celebrated on Friday inscription of Qudud Halabiya on World Heritage List of UNESCO by holding a concert entitled “Our Qudud..to the Human Heritage.” The event was performed …
December, 2021
16 December
Celebrations in Damascus and Aleppo on UNESCO’s inscription of Qudud Halabiya on World Heritage list
Damascus, SANA-People who are fond of the Syrian traditional songs and music gathered on Thursday at the Ummayad main square in Damascus and in front of Aleppo citadel to celebrate …
16 December
Culture Minister: UNESCO’s inscription of Qudud Halabiya on human heritage list affirms world’s recognition of Syrian civilization
Damascus, SANA- Minister of Culture, Lubana Mshaweh, said that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) inscription of Qudud Halabiya on the list of human heritage affirms that …
15 December
UNESCO includes al- Qudud Halabiya in world heritage list, Ministry of Culture: a step to preserve national identity
Damascus ,SANA-UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included on Wednesday al- Qudud Halabiya in the world heritage list, during the meeting of the 16th session of the Intergovernmental Committee …
14 December
Aleppo Radio, incubator of Qudud Halabiya art
Aleppo, SANA- Since its establishment in 1949, Aleppo Radio has played a pioneer role in attracting the most prominent media figures in al-Shahba city, which is rich in its cultural, …
13 December
Syrian film “Above Ground” wins Best Director award at Budapest Film Festival
Kiev, SANA- The Syrian documentary film “Above Ground”, by director Somar Agha, won the Best Director award at Budapest Film Festival. The film’s idea is based on history and humanity …
13 December
Amin Al-Jundi … the first pioneer of Qudud Halabiya art
Damascus, SANA- The 18th century witnessed an Arab scientific and cultural renaissance, one of the pillars of which was Sheikh Amin al-Jundi who was the first pioneer of art of …
13 December
Do you know that Sergio Chamy who starred in ‘The Mole Agent’ documentary is of Syrian origin?
Damascus, (SANA) Do you know that Chilean star Sergio Chamy who played the main character of the documentary ‘The Mole Agent’, and who was a candidate to win the Oscar …
11 December
Qudud Halabiya … traditional and musical songs of Aleppo city
Damascus, SANA – Music holds a key place in tangible and intangible heritage of the Syrian cultural identity as Qudud Halabiya which is musical measures of Aleppo city topped the …
5 December
Autumn Flowers Exhibition 2021 starts activities at Khan Asaad Basha
Damascus, SANA- The Autumn Flowers Exhibition 2021 started activities on Sunday at Khan Asaad Basha in Damascus. The Exhibition is organized by the Ministry of Tourism (Damascus Tourism Directorate), in …