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Culture & Arts

July, 2023

  • 28 July

    “Silk Road” a concert evening within activities of the 11th Delbeh Festival in Tartous

    Tartous,SANA- The 11th al-Delbeh Festival for Culture and Arts in Mashta al-Hilu started its activities with the musical evening “The Silk Road”for the Chamber Choir led by Maestro Misak Baghboudrian. …

  • 28 July

    Sweida celebrates International Children’s Day

    Sweida, SANA- Activities of the central celebration of International Children’s Day were launched on the theater of the Palace of Culture in Sweida, entitled “Small Hearts for a Great Homeland”. …

  • 23 July

    An exhibition of Indonesian handwoven at Al-Assad Library in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA-The Indonesian Embassy in Damascus, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, organized an exhibition of Indonesian hand-wovens, and a graduation ceremony for students of the Indonesian language course, …

  • 8 July

    “Damascene Rose … From Syria to Turin” concludes activities by a musical evening

    Rome, SANA-Cultural activities of “Damascene Rose… From Syria to Turin” concluded Saturday with a musical evening performed by four students from the Conservatory of Music at the University of Turin, …

  • 6 July

    (Ode to the Rose) …A musical journey inspired by Damascene rose, led by Maestro Misak Baghboudrian in Italy

    Rome, SANA- The Language of Peoples is present in the second day of the “Damascene Rose… From Syria to Turin” through a musical journey inspired by the Damascene Rose led …

  • 5 July

    In honor of traditional Syrian handicrafts… An artistic model of the Damascene rose displayed in Royal Gardens of Turin

    Rome, SANA-In honor of the traditional Syrian handicrafts and within the days of “The Damascene Rose… From Syria to Turin” organized by the Royal Museums in Turin and the Syrian …

  • 4 July

    “The Damascene Rose…from Syria to Turin” days kick off in the Italian city of Turin

    Rome, SANA-With the aim of promoting the Syrian culture and defining the importance of its role in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, and based on the belief in the …

  • 3 July

    Italy celebrates “Damascene Rose… from Syria to Turin”

    Rome, SANA- Cultural activity “Damascene Rose… from Syria to Turin “will kick off next Tuesday in Turin city. The event is organized by the Royal Museums in Turin and Syrian …

June, 2023

  • 24 June

    Syrian film wins Best Screenplay Award at Casablanca Film Festival

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian narrative film, Youssef (José’s Journey) won the Best screenplay Award in the Narrative Competition at the fourth edition of the Casablanca Arab Film Festival. The film “Youssef’s …

  • 16 June

    Intellectual, cultural and commercial richness of Palmyra on Silk Road

    Homs, SANA- Palmyra city is one of the sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, where its ruins witness to the greatness of this city, which was one of …