Damascus, SANA – The Syrian short film “Smile.. You Are Dying” participates in the official competition of Great Lakes International Film Festival 2015 launched on Saturday in Pennsylvania, USA. The …
November, 2015
5 November
Antiquities Chief briefs Italian Parliamentarians on the dangers threatening Syria’s archaeological heritage
Rome, SANA- The Director General of Antiquities and Museums Diectorate Dr.Maamoun Abdul -Karim presented Thursday before the Cultural and Foreign Affairs’ Committee of the Italian Parliament an expanded review on …
October, 2015
29 October
“Palmyra…History and Antiquities” a symposium in Damascus
Damascus, SANA- The General Department of Antiquities and Museums on Wednesday held a symposium dubbed “Palmyra…History and Antiquities” at Damascus National Museum with the participation of a number of researchers …
26 October
Antiquities chief: Terrorist organizations conduct sabotage and robbery of sites in Quneitra
Damascus, SANA- Director General of Museums and Antiquities in Syria Ma’amoun Abdul- Kareem said that information by locals and inhabitants of the southern countryside of Quneitra province affirmed that works of tampering, sabotage …
26 October
Antiquities’ Department carries out restoration works in Maaloula town
Damascus, SANA- Damascus countryside antiquities’ Department carried out a number of restoration and authentication works in Maaloula town in addition to evaluating the damage that the terrorist organizations has left …
20 October
DGAM carrying out restorations and repairs in number of archeological sites
Damascus, SANA – The Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) is currently carrying restorations and repairs in a number of archeological sites in Syria that were damaged by terrorist organizations. …
20 October
Two Syrian films participate in Sao Paulo International Film Festival
Damascus, SANA- Syrian films “The Mother” and “Four O’clock at Paradise”, produced by the Syrian General Establishment of Cinema, will participate in Sao Paulo International Film Festival to be held …
19 October
Syrian international plastic artist Omar Hamdi passes away at 64
Vienna, SANA- The Plastic Artists Union in Syria on Sunday mourned with deep sorrow the international Syrian plastic artist Omar Ibrahim Hamdi, who died on Saturday night at an age …
12 October
“October to bloom again” festival opened in Homs old city
Homs, SANA- Homs Culture Directorate, in cooperation with Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Homs, Hama and Yabroud, opened “October to bloom again” festival in Lady of Peace Church in the …
11 October
UNESCO: Need for stopping illicit trafficking of Syrian cultural heritage
MOSCOW, SANA- The UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) has said that its top priority is preventing illicit trafficking of Syrian cultural properties. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova told “Russia 24” Channel that “illicit …