Home / Provinces News / Daraa (page 13)


August, 2021

  • 25 August

    Terrorists in Daraa try to hinder process of their exit to northern Syria, intimidate civilians

    Daraa, SANA- With the first attempt for achieving the process of the exit of terrorists who reject the settlement from the neighborhoods of Daraa al-Balad, al-Sad Road and the camp …

  • 11 August

    Al-Hara City pumping station in Daraa put into service, 15,000 beneficiaries

     Daraa, SANA- Daraa Water Establishment has completed the execution of al-Hara city pumping station in Daraa countryside and put it into service, with a total cost of SYP 222 million. …

July, 2021

  • 27 July

    70 percent of maintenance project of Daraa-Damascus highway eastern lane completed

    Daraa, SANA- The General Company for Roads and Bridges, the Southern Region Branch, has completed 70 percent of the maintenance project for the eastern lane of Daraa-Damascus highway. Director of …

  • 26 July

    Competent authorities in Daraa thwart an attempt to smuggle antiquities out of Syria

    Daraa, SANA- The competent authorities in Daraa thwarted an attempt to smuggle tens of antiquity pieces out of Syria. Head of Antiquities’ Department in Daraa , Mohamad Khir Nasrallah, said …

  • 26 July

    Two water pumping stations stop working due to attacks by unidentified persons, Daraa countryside

    Daraa, SANA- Two water pumping stations in Daraa northern and eastern countryside have stopped working after they had been attacked by unidentified persons. Eng. Mohammad al-Masalmeh, Director of the Water Establishment, …

  • 24 July

    Two water pumping stations stopped due to two acts of sabotage in Daraa countryside

    Darra, SANA- Daraa Water Company said that pumping water had been stopped to a number of villages where therefore 150 thousand citizens deprived from drinking water, when unknown persons sabotaged …

June, 2021

  • 29 June

    Daraa Department of Antiquities receives pieces of artifacts

    Daraa, SANA- Daraa Department of Antiquities received dozens of various artifacts dating back to different periods of time from a citizen in the province. Director of Daraa National Museum, Wael …

  • 21 June

    High-voltage transmission line of al-Sheikh Maskeen-al-Koum back into service after six-year hiatus

    Daraa, SANA- Workers of Daraa electrical Company rehabilitated 230 KV high voltage transmission lines , which connects generating stations of al-Sheikh Maskeen in Daraa and al-Koum in Sweida after damage …

  • 13 June

    After years of hiatus, farmers of Sheikh Miskeen re-cultivate their lands

    Daraa, SANA- Amid facilitations provided by the authorities concerned and after years of hiatus due to terrorism, farmers in Sheikh Miskeen City in Daraa Province have started to cultivate their …

  • 7 June

    From cucumber fields in Daraa province (photos)

    Daraa, SANA – The area cultivated with cucumber in Daraa province is amounted to 360 hectares, with the crop production is estimated of around  7,200 tons.