Home / Provinces News / Homs (page 27)


November, 2014

  • 15 November

    Chief of Staff visits units at Shaer Mountain in Homs

    Homs, SANA – Chief of the General Staff of the Syrian Arab Army Ali Abdullah Ayyoub, accompanied by a number of senior army officers, visited army units stationed at Shaer …

  • 12 November

    Aid convoy to al-Waer neighborhood in Homs

    Homs, SANA – An aid convoy consisting of 12 trucks carrying supplies and relief items was delivered on Tuesday to al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city. The process went smoothly and …

  • 10 November

    Oil minister in al –Shaer gas field: Reproduction as soon as possible

    Homs , SANA –Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Suleiman al-Abbas said that plans and necessary programs are in place and coordination is underway with the staff in Hayan and …

  • 10 November

    Homs governor meets UN Special Envoy to Syria

    Homs, SANA-Homs governor Talal al-Barazi stressed that the governorate encourages any effort that serves to promote and sustain national reconciliations in Homs and keep civilians away from armed confrontations. The …

  • 10 November

    School vaccination campaign launched in Homs

    Homs, SANA – A school vaccination campaign was launched on Tuesday for the first and sixth grade pupils, which will continue until the end of the first semester. Dr. Azam …

October, 2014

  • 25 October

    Five people, among them three children, injured by terrorist mortars in Homs

    Homs, SANA – Five civilians, among them three children, were injured by terrorists’ rocket shells launched on al-Arman and Wadi al-Dahab neighborhoods in Homs city. A source at the governorate …

  • 22 October

    Homs governor meets UNICEF resident representative in Syria

    Homs, SANA-Homs governor Talal al-Barazi stressed that international organizations, particularly the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), are “of considerable help to the Syrian government ‘s relief plan.” The governor’s remarks …

  • 2 October

    Health minister: 20 tons of medicine delivered to Homs Health Directorate

    Homs, SANA-Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi said a 20-ton medicine shipment had been sent to Homs Health Directorate to replenish its strategic stockpile. The minister’s announcement came during a tour …

September, 2014

  • 28 September

    Aid convoy sent to al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city

    Homs, SANA – Homs Governorate on Sunday sent an aid convoy consisting of 10 trucks carrying supplies and relief items to al-Waer neighborhood in Homs city. Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi …

  • 20 September

    Homs Governor tours al-Qseir and neighboring villages

    Homs, SANA – Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi on Saturday inspected the situation in the town of al-Qseir and the services being provided to the locals, stressing that enormous efforts were …