Hasaka, SANA – The Charity and Social Services Association branch in Hasaka began distributing 800 food baskets on Tuesday among families affected by terrorism. The branch’s director Mohammad Fateh al-Absi …
November, 2014
11 November
Role of expatriates in defending Syria and showing its civilized aspects discussed
Damascus, SANA, Minister of Tourism Bishr Yazigi discussed with a delegation from the Commission for Defending Syria in Sweden, headed by George Elias Makdisi, means of activating the role of …
11 November
Syria.. ideal sanctuary of ecotourism
Damascus, SANA –Ecotourism is the most important type of tourism in Syria which embraces the coast, mountains and deserts, as it is considered one of the pillars of the Syrian …
5 November
A big turnout to the Syrian pavilion in the Earth Festival of Japan
Damascus-SANA Director of The Marketing tourist department at tourism Ministry Bassam Barsik affirmed that the Syrian pavilion at the Earth Festival which was held lately in the Mount Fuji region …
4 November
Shabab Link 2 initiative for providing job opportunities and training launched
Damascus, SANA – With the participation of 44 bodies, civil societies, volunteer teams, companies, and microfinance establishments, the Shabab Link 2 initiative was launched on Tuesday at the Damascus University …
4 November
Volunteer campaign rehabilitates 7 schools, distributes 16,000 school bags
Damascus, SANA – “I Have the Right to Learn”, a volunteer campaign launched last year, has accomplished repair and rehabilitation works of 7 schools that had sustained damage due to the acts of terrorism …
3 November
Health Ministry: 2, 722,190 children under five immunized against polio in recent vaccination campaign
Damascus, SANA-Recent data obtained by the Health Ministry during the past few days revealed that the nationwide polio vaccination campaign, which was wrapped up on October 23, had a coverage …
October, 2014
29 October
Tourism Minister discusses with Syrian community in Belgium establishing new tourism project in the country
Damascus, SANA- Tourism Minister Bishir Yazigi stressed the important role of Syrian expatriates in supporting the country against the global war to which Syria is exposed and conveying the reality …
28 October
SOS Children’s Villages announces plans for second stage of its relief program
Damascus, SANA – The SOS Children’s Villages Syria association, in cooperation with the SOS Children’s Villages International organization, announced its plans for the second stage of its relief program which …
28 October
Prime Minister asserts role of social initiatives in charity and humanitarian work
Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi on Monday met a delegation from the “Sayyedat Souria al-Khair” civil society group headed by Jeancette Kazan. During the meeting, al-Halaqi asserted the …