Damascus, SANA- We missed this joy for years because of the black terrorism that targeted Douma city, Hayat al-Rhaibani said, who chose to cast her vote in the presidential elections …
May, 2021
26 May
Wounded army personnel, citizens gather at polling stations in Tartous to cast their votes (Photos)
Tartous, SANA- Wounded army personnel and crowds of citizens on Wednesday headed for the polling stations in Tartous province to cast their votes in 2021 presidential elections.
26 May
Deir Ezzor locals cast their votes with the first moments of opening ballot boxes
Deir Ezzor, SANA- The process of presidential elections has started in Deir Ezzor since 07:00 a.m. with opening all the polling stations in the province. Citizens have started to flock …
26 May
Citizens head for polling stations in Sweida province to cast votes in presidential elections
Sweida, SANA-With the first moments of opening the ballot boxes, locals in Sweida and its residents headed to polling stations in the province to cast their votes in the presidential …
24 May
QSD militia kidnaps four citizens in Tal Hamis town, Hasaka countryside
Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation-backed QSD militia has continued to intensify the raids and kidnappings in the areas of their deployment in the Syrian al-Jazeera region as on Monday it …
24 May
46 US occupation trucks laden with stolen Syrian wheat head for Iraq
Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces continued on Monday the systematic plundering of the Syrian wealth as a convoy of their trucks laden with stolen Syrian wheat leaved Tal Alou …
22 May
The consulate general of Iran opened in Aleppo
Aleppo, SANA- The consulate general of Iran was opened in Aleppo province on Saturday in framework of strengthening relations between Syria and Iran in various domains Delivering a speech via …