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Provinces News

May, 2021

  • 26 May

    Locals in Douma: Elections scene in our city brings back the victory over terrorism

    Damascus, SANA- We missed this joy for years because of the black terrorism that targeted Douma city, Hayat al-Rhaibani said, who chose to cast her vote in the presidential elections …

  • 26 May

    Locals in Sheikh Badr City in Tartous gather to cast their votes in presidential election

  • 26 May

    Liberated Raqqa Countryside… locals in Ma’adan town flock to cast their votes in presidential elections (photos)

  • 26 May

    Wounded army personnel, citizens gather at polling stations in Tartous to cast their votes (Photos)

    Tartous, SANA- Wounded army personnel and crowds of citizens on Wednesday headed for the polling stations in Tartous province to cast their votes in 2021 presidential elections.    

  • 26 May

    Deir Ezzor locals cast their votes with the first moments of opening ballot boxes

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- The process of presidential elections has started in Deir Ezzor since 07:00 a.m. with opening all the polling stations in the province. Citizens have started to flock …

  • 26 May

    Citizens head for polling stations in Sweida province to cast votes in presidential elections

    Sweida, SANA-With the first moments of opening the ballot boxes, locals in Sweida and its residents headed to polling stations in the province to cast their votes in the presidential …

  • 24 May

    QSD militia kidnaps four citizens in Tal Hamis town, Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation-backed QSD militia has continued to intensify the raids and kidnappings in the areas of their deployment in the Syrian al-Jazeera region as on Monday it …

  • 24 May

    46 US occupation trucks laden with stolen Syrian wheat head for Iraq

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces continued on Monday the systematic plundering of the Syrian wealth as a convoy of their trucks laden with stolen Syrian wheat leaved Tal Alou …

  • 23 May

    A mass rally for students of Tartous University in Tartous in support of presidential elections

  • 22 May

    The consulate general of Iran opened in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA- The consulate general of Iran was opened in Aleppo province on Saturday in framework of strengthening relations between Syria and Iran in various domains Delivering a speech via …