Damascus, SANA – Since its foundation 71 years ago and until today, the Syrian Arab Army has proved its competency to be the real defender of the country and its …
August, 2016
June, 2016
6 June
Syrian TV shows continue to defy hardships in 2016
Damascus, SANA – Despite all the difficulties, hardships and the challenges that increase with each year since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, a total of 40 Syrian TV …
May, 2016
19 May
800 students from Tal Abyad and Ayn al-Arab take final exams in Hasaka
Hasaka, SANA – Around 800 Basic Education students from Tal Abyad and Ayn al-Arab areas have crossed about 300 kilometers to reach Hasaka city to take their final exams, in …
13 May
Hundreds of Hasaka children brought back to school within Category B curriculum program
Hasaka, SANA – The recently applied Category B curriculum seems to gain momentum as it has already provided the opportunity for hundreds of Basic Education students in Hasaka province to …
7 May
Palmyra rises from the ashes, world’s journalists witness its triumph over terrorism
Provinces, SANA – It isn’t the first time that Palmyra with its civilization and history triumphs over darkness; throughout history, the ancient city of Palmyra withstood tyrants and invaders and …
February, 2016
19 February
Remarkable improvement in agricultural sector in Hasaka province
Hasaka, SANA – The agricultural sector in Hasaka province has witnessed tangible progress during the last two years thanks to the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab army all over the …
16 February
Ara village victory brings the army closer to the strategic Kensabba battle
Lattakia, SANA – Restoring security and stability to Ara village was one of the latest victories made by the army in cooperation with the popular defense groups in Lattakia countryside. …
8 February
Al-Azem Palace in Hama… an archaeological and artistic masterpiece
Damascus, SANA- Al-Azem Palace in Hama is one of the most beautiful monuments overlooking the Orontes River, about 400 meters south of Hama Citadel, where it is decorated with inscriptions …
January, 2016
19 January
Al-Marqab citadel; the most important Medieval- built citadel in the region
Damascus, SANA- Among more than 80 archeological fortresses and citadels spread all over the Syrian territories, Tartous province embraces 14 of them since this area has been exposed throughout ages …
10 January
The Syrian starving little “Mona Lisa” turns out to be Lebanese
Damascus, SANA – “Syria’s Mona Lisa”, this is the name some media gave to the “emaciated”, “starving” and “homeless” girl of the “besieged” Madaya city, adding a further lie to …