Damascus, SANA-Marking the 48th anniversary of the Correctionist Movement led by the Late President Hafez al-Assad , Syria has witnessed since that time political, economic, social, services reforms. The Syrian …
November, 2018
15 November
Abu Farid’s library, a window into legacy of old times
Damascus, SANA – Unique legacy collectibles including rare records, antique musical instruments and more than half-a-million phonograph discs showcased at the Library of Mohammed al-Masri (nicknamed Abu Farid) provide a …
11 November
Al-Zabadani Municipality: 4,500 families returned to city, maintenance work continues
Damascus Countryside, SANA- Many projects have been carried out in al-Zabadani city in Damascus Countryside recently, including paving the streets and its entrances, installing new electric networks and transformers , …
11 November
Damascus National Museum to welcome its centenary with thousands of artifacts that escaped the ravages of war
Damascus, SANA – As its centenary draws near, the famed Damascus National Museum, located in the heart of the Capital, has been partially reopened for visitors, archeologists, and researchers after …
11 November
Painting with her feet, Syrian artist Duaa al-Bustati conquers her disability
Damascus, SANA- Being born without arms has not prevented her from perusing her passion for painting; artist Duaa al-Bustati, now 28, has conquered her disability by using her feet to …
9 November
Field commander: Liberation of Sweida abductees “very precise operation” – updated
Palmyra/Homs, SANA – A field commander described the heroic military operation carried out by the Syrian army to release all people abducted by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists from Sweida province few …
October, 2018
27 October
After touring 55 countries, Russian traveler realizes her dream by visiting Syria
Lattakia, SANA-Russian traveler Irina Sidorenko wanted to start her journey around the world a year and a half ago from Syria as a gateway to the world, but the circumstances …
23 October
Young boy creates magnificent art pieces with matchsticks
Hama, SANA – The young boy Mohammed Ihsan Fahleh from Hama city unleashed his creative talent and began creating architectural miniatures and art pieces out of matchsticks at an early …
20 October
Damascene Arada keeps traditional folk rituals alive, Video
Damascus, SANA – The Damascene Arada is a traditional Syrian folk dance and an ancient ritual that is kept alive in the neighborhoods of the Old City of Damascus and …
1 October
On the International Day for the elderly, 6% of Syria’s population above 60 years
Damascus, SANA- Only one governmental nursing home and 24 civil society associations is what remains for the elderly in Syria after seven years of the terrorist war against it. Many …