Damascus, SANA_ “The Guard of al-Quds” (Jerusalem) series stands up to the artistic works that promote normalization with the Israeli occupation entity. The series presents the biography of archbishop Hilarion Cappucci …
May, 2020
24 May
Roofed market, with its seven gates, narrates chapter of ancient history of Lattakia
Lattakia, SANA_ The roofed market of Lattakia, with its stone walls and archaeological arches, narrates chapter of the ancient heritage of Lattakia city. The ceilings and domes covering its narrow …
21 May
“Turkification and Demographic Change,” Erdogan’s Ottoman plot in regions in northern Syria and Libya
Damascus, SANA- Head of the Turkish regime, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is stepping up systematized Turkification process in areas occupied by his forces in northern Syria, backed by the terrorist organizations …
21 May
Cultural activities on social media as alternative solution to face Coronavirus
Damascus, SANA- The cultural institutions have resorted to the social media as alternative solutions to launch their cultural activities due to the health quarantine measures resulted confronting the spread of …
18 May
Damascus Opera House…cultural edifice embraces creativity in all circumstances
Damascus, SANA_ In central Damascus, the Syrian capital, a Syrian cultural and artistic monument is located to form, together with Al-Assad National Library, the Higher Institute of Music and Performing …
17 May
Traffic accidents drop by 37.7 percent during period of curfew imposed due to coronavirus
Damascus, SANA- Traffic accidents have decreased by 37.7 percent during the period of application of the curfew due to the Coronavirus pandemic compared to the same period last year. The …
17 May
“We have a life in imagination” narrates steadfastness of our soldiers in Raqqa
Tartous, SANA_ The wounded hero Azzam Ahmad, in his novel, “We have a life in imagination”, narrates some stories of heroism and steadfastness that he had lived through with his …
16 May
Despite economic blockade and limited capabilities, new unique surgery registered for health sector in Syria
Tartous, SANA_ A new unique surgery is registered for the health sector in Syria in general and for the medical staff in Al-Basel Hospital in the coastal province of Tartous …
15 May
On 72nd anniversary of Nakba…Palestinians more committed to their inalienable rights
Occupied al-Quds, SANA_ Since the Nakba of the Palestinian people in 1948, the Palestinians have been suffering one Nakba after another. The international community has been keeping silent towards the …
14 May
Profits of General Company for Cable Industry reach up to SYP 1.4 billion over first four months of 2020
Damascus, SANA- The profits of the General Company for Cable Industry in Damascus during the first four months of this year amounted to SYP 1,443 billion with the continuation of …