Damascus, SANA- Minister of Culture, Lubana Mshaweh, said that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) inscription of Qudud Halabiya on the list of human heritage affirms that …
December, 2021
16 December
Producers 2 Exhibition, one place that brings together promising projects
Aleppo, SANA- Some 258 producers specialized in small and handicrafts industries participated in the exhibition and distributed in 107 pavilions to display their products of food, clothing, leather, handmade, furniture, …
13 December
Amin Al-Jundi … the first pioneer of Qudud Halabiya art
Damascus, SANA- The 18th century witnessed an Arab scientific and cultural renaissance, one of the pillars of which was Sheikh Amin al-Jundi who was the first pioneer of art of …
13 December
Do you know that Sergio Chamy who starred in ‘The Mole Agent’ documentary is of Syrian origin?
Damascus, (SANA) Do you know that Chilean star Sergio Chamy who played the main character of the documentary ‘The Mole Agent’, and who was a candidate to win the Oscar …
11 December
Qudud Halabiya … traditional and musical songs of Aleppo city
Damascus, SANA – Music holds a key place in tangible and intangible heritage of the Syrian cultural identity as Qudud Halabiya which is musical measures of Aleppo city topped the …
10 December
Sultan Ibrahim Mosque … A religious and archeological landmark in Jableh city
Lattakia, SANA- Sultan Ibrahim bin Adham Mosque is one of the most famous religious and archeological landmarks in Jableh city, Lattakia province. The mosque was built over several periods of …
8 December
Syrian- Iraqi upcoming business forum contributes to develop joint economic and trade relations
Damascus, SANA-Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum is scheduled to be held in Damascus from 12th to 15th next month at the Conferences Palace in Ebla al-Cham Hotel with participation of food, textile, …
8 December
Do you know that novelist Agatha Christie was in Syria when she wrote (Murder on the Orient Express)?
Damascus, SANA-Do you know that British crime novelist, short-story writer and playwright, Agatha Christie, was in Aleppo City in Syria when she wrote her famous crime novel (Murder on the …
5 December
Do you know that the largest restaurant in the world is in Damascus?
Damascus, SANA- Do you know that the largest restaurant in the world is in the city of Damascus in Syria and it broke the Guinness World Record as the largest …
1 December
Do you know that Syrian Government subsidizes 70% of gas destined for domestic use despite sanctions?
Damascus, SANA- Do you know that the Syrian Government subsidizes 70% of the value of gas destined for domestic use and that Syria has signed contracts to import about 27 …