Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly on Tuesday passed a bill on collecting the fees for basic education diplomas exams from students. Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz said that reviewing exam …
November, 2014
18 November
Over 18,000 new students accepted to al-Furat University in Deir Ezzor
Deir Ezzor, SANA – The number of new students who have been accepted to al-Furat university for the 2014-2015 academic year reached 18013. Director of the Department of Central Students …
18 November
Syrian-Russian educational cooperation discussed
Damascus, SANA – Means of cooperation in the domain of teaching Russian Language and the possibility of exchanging outstanding students between Syrian Russian universities were discussed. That came during a …
17 November
Russian language department opened at Damascus University
Damascus, SANA – The Russian language and literature department at the Literature and Human Sciences Faculty of Damascus University was opened on Monday. Higher Education Minister Mohammad Amer Mardini said …
7 November
Syrian academic delegation meets Syrian students in Moscow
Moscow, SANA-The Syrian delegation participating in the ‘Russian World’ Forum which has been recently held in the Russian city of Sochi met with members of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party and …
3 November
Including Russian language to curriculum of Syrian schools discussed
Suchi, SANA- Eighth Assembly of Foundation of the Russian World opened its activities in the Russian resort of Suchi under the title “Culture and Time” with the participation of Syria. …
October, 2014
30 October
Syria, WHO discuss mutual cooperation
Damascus, SANA- Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz underscored keenness on bolstering mutual cooperation between the ministry and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a way that improves students’ health and contributes …
29 October
Decree granting extra exam sessions for postgraduates
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Wednesday Decree no. 335 for 2014 granting extra examination sessions for postgraduates. Students of qualification and specialization studies who failed exams during …
26 October
Master’s degree in speech correction and Islamic studies to be created
Damascus, SANA – Higher Education Council agreed on creating a Master ‘s degree of qualification and specialization in Speech Correction and Language at the Education Department of the Faculty of …
22 October
New batch of Naval Academy cadets graduates amid official ceremony
Lattakia, SANA- A graduation ceremony for a new batch of the cadets of the Naval Academy was held Wednesday under the auspices of President Bashar al-Assad, the Commander-in-Chief of the …