Damascus, SANA- Minister of Higher Education, Atef al-Naddaf, discussed with Chargé d’affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Damascus, Carlos Moya, means to enhance and develop bilateral relations in domains of …
February, 2018
1 February
Syrian Virtual University celebrates graduation of 140 students
Damascus, SANA – The Syrian Virtual University (SVU) organized an official ceremony to celebrate the graduation of more than 140 students from different academic years and Master’s degree programs at …
January, 2018
28 January
Damascus University, ICRC discuss cooperation to spread the concepts of international humanitarian law
Damascus, SANA- Rector of Damascus University Mohamed Maher Kabikiby discussed on Sunday with head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) mission in Syria Marianne Gasser prospects of cooperation, …
14 January
Winners of 2017-2018 Syrian Science Olympiad honored-VIDEO
Damascus, SANA- The National Commission for the Syrian Science Olympiad held an event on Sunday to honor the winners of the final competition of the Syrian Science Olympiad for 2017-2018, …
11 January
Damascus Educational Library opens with over 100,000 books
Damascus, SANA-Ministry of Education inaugurated on Thursday the Damascus Educational Library in al-Qusour neighborhood in the city of Damascus. The Library includes more than 100,000 books which contents vary from …
10 January
412 students to participate at Final competitions of Syrian Scientific Olympiad next Saturday
Damascus, SANA-Some 412 students from all syrian provinces will participate at the final competitions of the Syrian Scientific Olympiad for 2017-2018 which will be held next Saturday. The competitions includes …
7 January
Government delegation hails Aleppo University role in building educated generation
Aleppo, SANA – Rector of Aleppo University, Mustafa Afyouni, underlined the great support provided by the government to the university, noting that the number of students has increased in comparison …
3 January
More than 4 million students start First Semester Exams in all over Syria
Damascus, SANA-More than four million students of Basic and Secondary stages started on Wednesday their first semester exams in all Syrian provinces. Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz affirmed the Ministry’s keenness …
December, 2017
4 December
257 students qualified for finals of Syrian Scientific Olympiad
Damascus, SANA-257 10th grade students qualified for the finals of Syrian Scientific Olympiad in the subjects of math, physics, chemistry, IT, and natural sciences. Head of the National Commission for …
November, 2017
30 November
Syrian winners at Arab Collegiate Programming Contest in Egypt honored
Cairo, SANA – The Syrian Businessmen gathering in Egypt on Wednesday held a ceremony to honor Syrian students participating in the Arab Collegiate Programming Contest held in Egypt. Three Syrian …