Damascus, SANA- Activities of the 1st Conference on Translation and Education Issues between the Russian and Arabic languages launched at the Russian Cultural Center in Damascus with participation of specialists …
November, 2020
12 November
Syria, Russia sign cooperation agreement in public and vocational secondary education
Damascus, SANA- The Syrian and Russian ministries of education have signed a cooperation agreement in the domain of public, vocational and supplementary secondary education with the aim of enhancing the …
8 November
With participation of 1,200 researchers from Syria and Britain, Damascus university organizes a virtual conference about Corona and dentistry
Damascus, SANA -1,200 researchers and specialists from Syria and Britain participated in the first virtual conference, which was organized at the Faculty of Dentistry in Damascus university in cooperation with …
7 November
Rehabilitation of 7 basic schools in Idleb liberated countryside
Hama, SANA- The General Company for Building and Construction carried out rehabilitation works of 7 basic education schools and the building of the School Health in Idleb southern countryside which …
October, 2020
31 October
2nd round of tests of 1st stage of Syrian Science Olympiad kicks off
Damascus, SANA_ The second round of tests of the first phase of the Syrian Science Olympiad competitions for 2020 -2021was held on Saturday in all with the participation of 6235 …
30 October
182 Syrian students participate in IGO competition
Damascus, SANA- With the participation of Syria and 60 other countries, the competitions of the Iranian Geometry Olympiad (IGO) organized online by Iran were conducted on Friday. According to a …
25 October
Tabaa, al-Manzari discuss precautionary measures in schools, reinforcing cooperation
Damascus, SANA_ The precautionary measures adopted in Syrian schools to limit the spread of coronavirus pandemic were discussed by Education Minister Dr. Darem Tabaa, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern …
24 October
New season of Syrian Science Olympiad’s competitions kicks off
Damascus, SANA- The competitions of the Syrian Science Olympiad for 2020 -2021 in the subjects of math, physics and IT kicked off at the school level on Saturday with the …
14 October
With Syria’s participation …Regional Ministerial online meeting about the return to school in the Arab states held
Damascus, SANA-With Syria’s participation, the regional ministerial meeting about the return to school in the Arab states was held via internet. The meeting , which was inaugurated by a speech …
13 October
Syrian researcher nominated as head of International Scientific Conference to be held in India
Tehran, SANA- Syrian student, Eng. Hassan al-Helou was nominated as head of the International Scientific Conference that will cover the latest developments in the field of electrical engineering and control …