Homs, SANA_ The almond production of Homs central province estimated at more than 60,000 tons for this year, most of which are in the eastern countryside. Deputy Director of Homs …
April, 2020
23 April
More than 95 percent of agricultural plan in al-Ghab area implemented
Hama, SANA- More than 95 percent of the agricultural plan has been carried out in the al-Ghab area in Hama province as al-Ghab area is considered as Syria’s food basket …
21 April
Production line that produces 100 masks per minute launched in Aleppo
Aleppo, SANA-Industrial Company for Ready Wears in Aleppo ( Zanoubia and Shamra) launched a new line for producing medical masks which give 100 pieces per minute to meet the needs …
15 April
Petroleum Ministry: Oil and gas wells in Hayan and al-Shaer back to production
Damascus, SANA-Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry announced on Wednesday that the gas and oil wells and facilities in Hayan and al-Shaer fields in Homs countryside were put into service and …
14 April
Service of electronic payment for electricity and phones launched
Damascus, SANA-Syrian Electronic Payments Company launched on Tuesday the service of e-payment for the electricity, phone and transport department bills in Damascus and its countryside. Executive Director General of the …
14 April
Syria, Iran discuss enhancing joint investments in free zones
Tehran, SANA – Ambassador of Syria in Iran Adnan Mahmoud discussed with advisor to the Iranian President and Secretary of Iranian Free Zones High Council Morteza Bank means of enhancing …
13 April
Cabinet allows some professions to resume work
Damascus, SANA-The cabinet made on Monday an overall evaluation of the preventive measures adopted in Syria to confront coronavirus spread all over the world. The Cabinet, in its weekly session …
7 April
Economy Ministry suspends export of a number of medicines
Damascus, SANA – The Economy and Foreign Trade Ministry suspended the exportation of a number of medicines until further notice as part of the efforts to confront the Coronavirus (COVID-19) …
5 April
Cabinet approves coronavirus treatment protocol, financial reward to health cadres
Damascus, SANA- In the framework of the continued follow up of the latest developments of the Corona pandemic outbreak regionally and internationally, and to take all necessary measures to tackle …
1 April
Syrian Trade Establishment: No increase in prices of basic materials
Damasacus, SANA-Director General of Syrian Establishment for trade, Ahmad Najm, affirmed on Wednesday that what is being circulated on some websites about an increase in the prices of the basic …