Lattakia, SANA-The Damascene rose is no longer just a type of cultivation rooted in Mahalibeh Castle village , Qardaha countryside , but rather a friend of indigenous people who breed …
May, 2022
27 May
Syrian Economy Conference discusses prospects of developing digital transformation
Damascus, SANA-The activities of the Syrian Economy Conference under the motto “Investment Visions and Horizons during Reconstruction Stage.” continue for the third day in a row, at the Umayyad Palace …
25 May
Syrian Economy Conference discusses investment opportunities available during current stage
Damascus, SANA-Syrian Economy Conference launched its activities on Wednesday at the Umayyad Palace for Conferences under the motto “Investment Visions and Horizons during Reconstruction Stage.” The conference discusses the investment …
25 May
Russian ruble rises against euro to its highest level in 7 years
Moscow, SANA- Russian ruble rose on Wednesday against the US dollar and the euro, as the ruble recorded its highest level against the euro for the first time since June …
21 May
Syria and Serbia ink MoU for cooperation in agriculture field
Belgrade, SANA- Syria and Serbia signed an MoU on bilateral cooperation in the agriculture field. The MoU was signed by Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Eng. Mohammad Hassan Qatana …
19 May
Dollar falls below 62 rubles on Moscow Exchange first time since January 2020
Moscow, SANA-The dollar fell below 62 rubles on the Moscow Exchange for the first time since January 2020. According to Moscow Stock Exchange data, the dollar exchange rate fell by …
16 May
“Investment in renewable energies” conference calls for removing coercive measures imposed on country
Damascus, SANA-First conference of “investment in renewable energies and electricity” on Monday called for lifting the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people in light of their negative impacts …
15 May
1st Conference for Investment in Electricity Sector and Renewable Energies kicks off in Damascus
Damascus, SANA-The 1st Conference for Investment in Electricity Sector and Renewable Energies kicked off on Sunday at the Jasmine House Hotel in Damascus. The two-day conference will be held under …
4 May
Dollar plunges against Russian ruble to its lowest level in nearly two years
Moscow, SANA-The exchange rate of the dollar and the euro fell against the Russian ruble on Wednesday, and the US currency was trading below the level of 69 rubles for …
April, 2022
21 April
Russian ruble rises against dollar and euro
Moscow, SANA- The euro and dollar have continued their decline against the Russian ruble, as the European currency traded today below the level of 81 rubles, and the American currency …