Damascus countryside, SANA, A popular meeting was held Saturday in Haran al-Awameed and Douma in Damascus countryside at the Culture Center in al-Ghizlaniya. The meeting gathered families with Minister of …
June, 2014
26 June
Petroleum Minister: Work underway to repair Arab gas pipeline
Homs, SANA- Minister of Petroleum and Mineral resources Suleiman al-Abbas discussed Thursday means of boosting cooperation agreement signed between the Ministry and Faculty of Petroleum and chemical Engineering at al-Baath University. …
26 June
Syrians celebrate 40th anniversary of hoisting Syrian flag in Quneitra
Qunaitera,SANA,Qunaitera city held a massive celebration Thursday On the occasion of hoisting Syrian flag in the City’s main square. The participants affirmed confidence that Syria will come out of …
26 June
PM during Farmers’ General Union Council session cites need for solid base to manufacture agricultural products
Damascus, SANA _ Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi cited the necessity of creating a solid base for manufacturing and exporting agricultural products and achieving self-sufficiency. Dr. al-Halqi was speaking during …
25 June
Minister of Economy: Doors open for Syrian industrialists willing to return home
Damascus, SANA – Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Dr. Khodr Orfali said the government is keenly interested in re-operating establishments which had been damaged due to terrorist attacks. The …
24 June
PM affirms need to monitor and regulate market prices during Ramadan
Damascus, SANA. During a weekly Cabinet session on Tuesday, Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halaqi said that life in Aleppo is gradually returning to normal following the victories of the Syrian …
22 June
ACSAD establishes two new biogas production units
Damascus, (SANA) The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) has established two units to produce biogas in Syria. ACSAD Director-General Rafiq Ali Saleh told …
22 June
Industry Ministry works on rehabilitating damaged facilities, setting up new strategy
Damascus, SANA, Industry Minister Kamal Eddin Tu’ma said that the Ministry is working on two tracks; the first one is to rehabilitate terrorism-affected facilities through securing financial sources and loans …
21 June
Damascus Countryside Governor calls for taking measures to cope with water shortage, solve electricity problems
Damascus Countryside, SANA – Governor of Damascus Countryside Hussein Makhlouf inspected the condition of services in Damascus Countryside, especially concerning electricity and water. During his meeting with heads of municipalities …
19 June
Project of e-title for vehicle ownership launched
Damascus, (SANA) Transport Ministry launched Thursday the project of electronic title for vehicle ownership as part of the e-government project launched in 2009. Following the launch, which took place at …