Damascus, SANA- Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi affirmed on Tuesday that the government’s priority is to improve the living standard of the citizen and guarantee the flow of goods in the …
September, 2014
2 September
Industry Minister, Industry Chamber discuss means to overcome difficulties facing industrial facilities
Damascus, SANA – Industry Minister Kamal Eddin Taameh discussed on Tuesday with the Damascus Chamber of Commerce board of directors means to overcome difficulties and obstacles facing industrialists who facilities …
2 September
CBS injects USD 20 million for sale to restore stability in exchange market
Damascus, SANA – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) held Tuesday an emergency session to discuss the inflated exchange rate witnessed recently in the black market, during which it injected …
1 September
Estimated grape production is 204,000 tons, with Syria ranked second among Arab countries
Damascus, SANA – Ministry of Agriculture has estimated Syria’s production of grapes for the current season at 204,000 tons. Director of Plant Production Department, Abdul-Mu’een al-Qadamani, indicated that the production …
August, 2014
26 August
Damascus Chamber of Commerce and officials discuss early recovery plan for industrial facilities
Damascus, SANA – The Damascus and its Countryside Chamber of Commerce and representatives of al-Baath Party, Damascus Countryside Governorate, the Industry Directorate, and the Syrian Business and Establishments Center on …
26 August
ATMs, another victim of the terrorist and economic war imposed on Syria
Damascus, SANA – Terrorism and international sanctions have conspired against the Syrian people, targeting almost every aspect of their life including their simplest means of living including ATMs, many of …
24 August
Commercial Bank of Syria: liquidity rises to 416 billion SYP
Damascus, SANA-Director of the Commercial Bank of Syria CBS Firas Salman said Sunday the Bank’s liquidity has reached normal levels through the positive leap it has achieved since the beginning …
21 August
Central Bank of Syria holds interference session, offers USD 20 million for sale
Damascus, SANA – Central Bank of Syria held on Thursday an emergency interference session to discuss the causes and factors of the recent decrease on the Syrian pound exchange rate …
21 August
President al-Assad issues legislative decrees on housing cooperatives and transfer of ownership of general establishments housing properties
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday issued legislative decree no. 36 for 2014 amending the law for housing cooperatives and legislative decree no. 37 for 2014 on the …
20 August
Syria, India to enhance industrial cooperation
Damascus, SANA- Caretaker Minister of Industry Kamal al-Din Toma discussed Wednesday with representatives of Indian Cosmos Company prospects of cooperation in the industrial field and means of developing it for …