Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Monday set the exchange rate of the USD against the SYP at 191.03 for the banks and at SYP 191.58 for …
November, 2014
23 November
Parliament listens to Balance and Accounts Committee’s report on budget bill
Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly listened to the report of the Balance and Accounts Committee on the bill of the state’s general budget for the fiscal year 2015 that …
23 November
1st national exhibition on Syria’s reconstruction to be held tomorrow
Damascus, SANA- The 1st exhibition on Syria’s reconstruction will be held from Nov. 24th to Nov. 26th at Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus under the title “Syrians build Syria” with …
23 November
CBS sets USD exchange rate against SYP at 191.83
Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Sunday set the exchange rate of the USD against the SYP at 191.83 for the banks and at SYP 192.05 for …
22 November
Damascus Countryside Governor inspects Adra industrial city
Damascus Countryside, SANA – Governor of Damascus Countryside Hussein Makhlouf stressed the need to establish a management center for Adra industrial city to include representative of service institutions with the …
21 November
CBS to pump foreign currency into market next week
Damascus, SANA_ The Central Bank of Syria will pump USD 100 million through banks for the purposes of financing imports and USD 50 million through the exchange companies next week …
20 November
PM: We seek industrial security through boosting local production
Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said the government is seeking to achieve industrial security through depending on local sources. During a meeting with members of the Federation of …
20 November
Exportation of gold starts to some Arab markets
Damascus, SANA – Chairman of the Association of Goldsmiths and Jewelry Making Ghassan Jazmati said goldsmiths have started this week exporting Syrian gold jewelry to some Arab countries with which …
20 November
CBS sets USD exchange rate against SYP at 192.87
Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Thursday set the exchange rate of the USD against the SYP at 192.87 for the banks and at SYP 193.04 for …
19 November
Finance minister: Government won’t prevent any Syrian industrialist from returning Home
Damascus, SANA -Finance minister Ismael Ismael affirmed Wednesday that the government won’t prevent any industrialists abroad from to returning Home to settle their cases if they didn’t commit any act that shed …