Aleppo, SANA – Minister of Electricity Imad Khamis stressed that the ministry’s staffs will intensify efforts to repair damages and re-operate Aleppo Thermal Power Plant within a short time. Khamis’ …
February, 2016
22 February
CBS sets the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.85 and of EUR at SYP 418.36
Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Monday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.85 for banks, 375.87 for currency exchange companies and 374 for …
21 February
“Gulf Food” Exhibition opens in Dubai with participation of Syria
Dubai, SANA-International Exhibition of “Gulf Food” started its activities on Sunday in Dubai with the participation of Syria. The 5-day exhibition is considered as one of the largest food exhibitions …
21 February
Sunday USD exchange rate set at SYP 375.84
Damascus, SANA The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Sunday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.84 for banks, 375.87 for currency exchange companies and 374 for transfers. The …
19 February
Remarkable improvement in agricultural sector in Hasaka province
Hasaka, SANA – The agricultural sector in Hasaka province has witnessed tangible progress during the last two years thanks to the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab army all over the …
18 February
Human Farma pharmaceutical factory opened in Tartous
Tartous, SANA-Human Farma pharmaceutical factory was opened Thursday in al-Bustan village in Safita countryside in Tartous. The factory was established at an overall cost of SYP 1.5 billion. Health Minister …
18 February
DSE reaches record high in 19 months and closes at 123.29 points
Damascus, SANA- Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) index hit a record high in 19 months, closing on Thursday session at 1230.29 points with an increase of 4.88. Osama Hasan, media and …
18 February
Updated-The CBS will inject USD 150 million next week
Damascus, SANA – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) will inject millions of dollars (USD) in the market to finance imports and fulfill the citizens’ needs, mainly education and …
18 February
CBS sets USD exchange rate at SYP 375.83
Damascus, SANA – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Thursday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 375.83 for banks, 375.87 for currency exchange companies and 374 …
17 February
DSE Wednesday session closes at 1325.41 points
Damascus, SANA –Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) Wednesday session closed with transactions of 118549 stocks in 97 deals with an overall value of around SYP 14.780 million, closing at 1325.41 points …