Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry announced on Sunday that the results of the tests conducted on a Syrian passenger who had arrived on a plane from Iraq and who …
March, 2020
14 March
Health Minister: No confirmed infections with the Coronavirus until today
Damascus, SANA_ There is no confirmed infection with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Syria until today, Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi has said. In a press conference held on Saturday with …
13 March
Health Ministry raises readiness and precautionary measures to protect against Coronavirus
Damascus, SANA – With the expansion of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 117 countries as of March 12th, and as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the virus to be an …
13 March
Universities and schools suspended, work hours cut down as precautionary measures against Coronavirus
Damascus, SANA – Due to the expanding threat of Coronavirus around the world as it has become a global pandemic, the Syrian government took a number of precautionary and preventative …
11 March
Health Ministry still adopts measures at border crossings to prevent the country from Coronavirus
Damascus. SANA- Health Ministry is determined to go ahead in its measures in all provinces and border crossings for the prevention of Coronavirus, COVID-19. Health Minister, Nizar Yazigi, affirmed that …
10 March
Health Ministry: Lab results of suspected Coronavirus case at al-Mouwasat University Hospital negative
Damascus, SANA – The Ministry of Health has announced that the results of the laboratory tests for the suspected Coronavirus case at al-Mouwasat University Hospital came back negative, clarifying in …
10 March
Preventative measures taken across the country to protect against Coronavirus
Provinces, SANA – The concerned authorities are taking preemptive and preventative procedures for protecting against Coronavirus (COVID-19) in addition to launching awareness campaigns for all workers at schools and teaching …
10 March
New emergency department opened at Damascus Hospital
Damascus, SANA-The General Board of Damascus Hospital, al-Mujtahid, opened on Tuesday a new emergency department at a cost of more than SYP one billion and which can receive more than …
9 March
Ministry of Transport: Flights from and to Doha suspended until further notice
Damascus, SANA – The Ministry of Transport informed travelers to Qatar’s capital Doha via Damascus International Airport that flights to and from Doha have been suspended until further notice as …
6 March
Daraa National Hospital Director: No Coronavirus cases at the hospital
Daraa, SANA – Director General of Daraa National Hospital Dr. Bassam al-Hariri said that the rumors about Coronavirus cases at the hospital are baseless. In a statement to SANA’s reporter …