De Mistura: Next August is deadline for resuming intra-Syrian talks in Geneva

New York, SANA-UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Tuesday that next August is the deadline for resuming the Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Geneva.

“The UN is still committed to the date of August as a deadline to launch the political settlement process for the crisis in Syria,” de Mistura said while submitting a report to the UN General Assembly, adding that setting off a new round of talks requires a joint ground by Russia and the US, the two heads of the International Syria Support Group.

He reaffirmed that the Syrians only will decide the future of their country, referring to the progress achieved by the latest round of talks in Geneva.

De Mistura added that the cessation of hostilities agreement suffers from big challenges in a number of Syrian areas.

He also hailed the Syrian government cooperation in delivering  the humanitarian aid to those in need.


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