President al-Assad to al-Baath Party’s Central Committee meeting: Commitment to issues protects nations and homelands

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the war today is the war of truth, and what has happened in Palestine broke the dominance of the Zionist narrative globally, adding that commitment to the issues protects homelands, and the Palestinian people succeeded in adhering to their issue, indicating that the Western officials’ rush to support “Israel” is a rush of a mother to protect her son, and Israel is the legitimate child of colonialism.

President al-Assad chaired a meeting of Central Committee of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, saying that the only thing worth talking about is the developments in Palestine, particulalry what has happened in Gaza recently; what happened there changed historical facts for years and generations, regardless of the results of the war. There are facts and lessons that all must learn from as they intersect greatly with what Syria has experienced and with what other Arab and non-Arab countries may experience because the principles are the same for peoples and homelands.

Following the main points of President al-Assad’s speach:

The Palestinian narrative undermined the Zionist one

The most important point in this war is that the World Zionism, which has controlled the narrative since the emergence of the Palestinian issue, is losing control on that narrative. Zionism lost its narrative even in its most important strongholds, including the US. This does not mean that the American street has become supportive of Palestine, but, at least, it has many doubts about the Zionist narratives, and this greatly intersects with what we experienced in Syria at the beginning of the war. In addition, based on trust in the public, If the people is unable to defend its homeland, then the state has no meaning and no hope in defending its homeland.

The U.S. did not fight Nazism; All of the Nazi leaders who cooperated with the US were honored

President al-Assad added that everyone thinks that the West defeated Nazism, but few know that the defeat of Nazi Germany’s Hitler began in 1941 on the walls of Moscow, nearly two years following the start of the war, and the Western powers, particulalry, the United States, were not taking any action against Nazism as the US wanted Nazism and communism to destroy each other, and then to take control of destroyed Europe at that time. Between 1942 and 1944, when the US discovered that the Russians were close to victory, it decided to attack, steal the victory, and prevent the Russians from advancing towards Eastern Europe. This is the reason behind the US attack at that point.

What happened in recent years has revived the Palestinian issue globally

President al-Assad went on to say that most people believed that the Palestinian issue came to an end and been resolved, and the existing conflicts or disagreements were normal after decades-long conflict. But what happened in Palestine during the past years, not only in Gaza where the struggle was culminated, is that this issue regained its international status… its pre-Oslo Accords and pre-Peace Process status. The issue returned to its core, which is an occupier and aggressor fighting the owner of the land, this is the essence of the issue. When this essence was absent globally, the issue disappeared or died globally. Today this cause has been revived.

“Israel” was established through political decision rather than cultural accumulation, and politics cannot build peoples

President al-Assad added that societies are built through the accumulation of civilization, which has geography, history, culture, belief, and others.

“Israel was built not through the accumulation of civilization, but through a political decision. Politics cannot build peoples and cannot establish civilizations. When politics wants to build a people, they present a monster; a monster that lives in contradiction to the laws of nature, to the laws of humanity, contrasting with the other peoples living around it.

This is what we see today in the herds of settlers, how they enjoy killing the Palestinians. This is the fact that the Israeli people are a troubled people. We see this in the actions of the Zionist army that is absolutely violent and criminal to the point of hysteria, and at the same time cowardly to the point of collapse,” the Presidnet said.

Adherence to just issues is what protects peoples and homelands

“The most important lesson from the adherance of Palestinians to their cause is that causes are what protect peoples and homelands.  The West, therefore,  has sought to propagate that after the fall of the Soviet Union, the new soceity is a society without beliefs, a society without issue or ideology, and hold nothing but materialistic ideas.

In fact, what protects us from short vision is commitment to issues, so diplomacy without an issue to manage is like tactics without strategy, and it is like maneuvering but without a goal, meaning I am maneuvering in order to reach a goal.

What protects the Syrian stances are the principles, which are constants  stemed from the Causes. It is possible that we make mistakes in tactics on an ongoing basis, but we are not supposed to make mistakes in the issues of principle,” President al-Assad said.

The Resistance today defends all Arab countries 

“The Syrian principle has been proven correct as defending the Resistance means defending the homeland, because Gaza today defends Palestine, Palestine defends Syria, and Palestine defends all Arab countries. The same is true in regards to  the resistance in Lebanon. The Lebanese resistance defends the south. It defends all Lebanon, defends Syria, and defends the Arabs as well. The correctness of the Syrian stance is proven by supporting the Resistance which has proven that it is the strongest and most effective antidote in the face of sectarianism, because it is the unifying title,” the President said.

English Bulletin

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