Hama, SANA _The government is tuned in to the situation of citizens and the martyrs’ families whose needs are being closely followed for their suffering to be alleviated and improving …
June, 2014
27 June
Interior Minister lauds prevailing security atmosphere in Hama
Hama, SANA – Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar praised the state of security and calm that prevails across the province of Hama. The praise came during a popular meeting …
26 June
Initial estimations: over 850 million SYP losses of terrorist attack on Mhardeh power station
Hama, SANA- Hama Governor Ghassan Khalaf on Thursday called for intensifying the efforts to restore Mhardeh power stationto service as soon as possible after it was subjected to a terrorist …
25 June
Red Crescent launches clinics for treating malnourished children in Hama province
Hama, SANA – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) branch in Hama launched two specialized clinics for treating children with malnourishment in the cities of Hama and al-Salamiye. Branch director …