Wide international solidarity with Palestine during 17th Conference of State Parties to the UN CRPD

New York, SANA- Israeli occupation entity have failed to obtain membership in the UN Committee of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for the 2025-2028 term, after not obtaining sufficient votes in the elections took place a few days ago on the sidelines during the 17th session in New York.

The conference witnessed great international solidarity with Palestine in light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, as the speeches of the representatives of the participating countries stressed the necessity of stopping the Israeli aggression and adhering to the provisions of the agreement calling for the protection of persons with disabilities, who are among the groups most affected by the war.

The main theme of the 17th session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities focuses on “Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future”.

Shaza Qreima

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