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Video SANA

January, 2016

  • 30 January

    Russian planes drop food materials for besieged civilians in Deir Ezzor

  • 28 January

    Syrian National Symphony Orchestra opens 2016 season at Opera House

  • 26 January

    New season of Opera House starts with “Syria… My Homeland”

  • 26 January

    Army advances in Sheikh Miskeen

  • 25 January

    Army kills scores of ISIS terrorists in Deir Ezzour

  • 25 January

    SANA in al-Rabe’a town after army re-established control over it

  • 24 January

    Army controls more areas in Sheikh Miskeen, Daraa countryside

  • 21 January

    Russian Aerospace with Syrian air force destroy 579 targets for terrorist organisations

  • 21 January

    Army cuts off ISIS supply routes in Homs countryside

  • 21 January

    500 displaced families return to al-Qadam neighborhood in Damascus